Business Owner's Policies
Also Available for Home-based Businesses
What Is a Business Owner's Policy?
A Business Owner's Policy has been compared to a homeowner’s policy
for your business. Coverage includes but is not limited to Property
Damage to others, Bodily Injury, Business Interruption and Loss of
Income coverage, Business Property Coverage
(computers, client
records, buildings) and Employee Dishonesty.
Coverage is available if you have a Home-Based business or if your business operates from a commercial, retail or professional office space
Why Do I Need A Business Owner's Policy?

- What would happen if your client fell and seriously injured
themselves while at your office? What if a potential buyer fell down
the stairs while you were showing them a house? Who would
cover your client’s medical expenses?
- What would happen if the pipes burst in the office above you and
you are unable to work while it is being cleaned up? Who will pay
for the clean up, replacement of your destroyed property, and loss
of income?
- You have an office at home, and there is a fire. Who will pay for the damages to your business records and equipment?
- While appraising a property you damage the owner’s personal property. Who will pay for the repair of the damages?
Business Owner's Policy Highlights
- Home-Based Business Policy premiums start at $150.00 and provide Bodily Injury and Property Damage coverage as well as protection for your business property even while you are on the job-site or have additional locations.
- Business Office Liability Policies offer broad coverage for Bodily Injury and Property Damage to others, coverage for business property in case of fire, theft or other covered loss. Coverage can also include Employee Dishonesty, Business Interruption, Hired/Non-Owned Auto and more. Premiums start at $500.00
For More Information Contact:
Betsy A Magnuson
Tel: 781-292-5408
Fax: 800-344-5422
Stephanie McNamara
Tel: 781-292-5407
This document has been prepared for illustrative purposes only. The policy will govern the terms and conditions of the insurance coverage that is provided.